About Nancy Reno
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Boy Quilts
Girl Quilts
Gender Neutral
Christmas Quilts
"Design your own" page is coming soon.

About Me

In the picture above is my first grandchild. He was the first of six. The girls told me they were finished having babies but I wasn't finished making baby things. What better way to indulge my love of all things baby than by designing, creating, embroidering and making quilts.

These quilts are intended to be used and passed down as heirlooms from child to child and generation to generation. All six of my grandchildren have used the quilts I made for their mothers as well as the quilts I made especially for them. They have all been lovingly wrapped and boxed awaiting the next generation.

As I said, I have a deep love for all things baby. Designing, creating and making a quilt to bless your little baby warms my heart. But there are a lot of babies that don't have quilts to warm them. So each year, I make and donate quilts for premature babies. Some I get as kits from Wayside Sewing, some I just put together with the fabric left over from other projects. Each year, I donate approximately 40 little quilts to bless babies I will never see or know. I consider this part of my community awareness program. Not only does the gift of these little quilts warm my heart but they also bless the families of those wee ones. I believe preemies don't get the attention they deserve. They have a hard life from the get go. So I make little quilts to keep them especially warm. There are others in need of quilts, too. I also donate quilts to the Circle of Care ministry of the United Methodist Church for children in transition. Many of them come from nothing and have nothing that is their very own. These quilts are meant to reassure them of the love and care that surrounds them.

I love sewing and creating. I've been doing it for some wonderful, glorious 40+ years and still enjoy the challenge of creating. Just let me know what you have in mind and together, we will create the quilt to match your vision.

Thanks for dropping by; I look forward to helping you celebrate the birth of your special blessing.

Nancy Reno


Covered Blessings, Jenks, Oklahoma, USA   Office:(918)298-6884   Cell:(918)809-8770.
Please note that phone numbers are shared with our other business, Jenks Hypnosis.
Or you can call or text my cell, or email me at: coveredblessings at protonmail dot com. (click for email popup)

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